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9 docs tagged with "Internal Contracts"

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This contract can be used in Solidity contract to query Conflux Core network info including:


CIP-90 introduces a new internal contract: CrossSpaceCall. CrossSpaceCall enables CFX and data to be transferred between the two spaces.

Internal Contracts

Conflux introduces several built-in internal contracts for better system maintenance and on-chain governance. Now Conflux has seven internal contracts. These contracts provide solidity interfaces defined here. These function can only be called via CALL or STATICCALL operation. Using operation CALLCODE or DELEGATECALL to interact with internal contracts will trigger an error.


ParamsControl is a smart contract at address 0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000007 that allows participation in the chain parameter DAO vote on the Conflux network. Below are the addresses for both the Testnet and Mainnet environments, where you can interact with this contract:


This contract is used let user participate in PoS chain. If anyone want to become a PoS node, he need to interact with this contract. This contract provide serveral methods to increase or decrease PoS votes:


Conflux implements a sponsorship mechanism to subsidize the usage of smart contracts. This allows a new account with a zero balance to call smart contracts, provided the execution is sponsored (usually by the operator of Dapps). The internal SponsorWhitelistControl contract records the sponsorship information for smart contracts.