
Tx Origin Attacks

A transaction origin attack is form of phising attack that can drain a contract of all funds.In Solidity, tx.origin retrieves the address of the transaction originator, distinguishing it from msg.sender.

让我们通过一个例子来理解它们之间的差异。 假设用户A调用合约B,然后合约B调用合约C。对于合约C,msg.sender 将是合约B,而tx.origin仍然是用户A。

但是,在智能合约中使用tx.origin 进行身份验证可能导致漏洞。 以下是该风险的更详细的解释:如果攻击者说服合约的所有者与恶意合约交互,msg.sender 将正确显示攻击者的合约地址作为调用者。 然而,tx.origin仍将反映原始交易发起者的地址,即合约所有者。 因此,如果合约的安全性依赖于tx.origin 来验证权限,这种不一致可能会错误地授予攻击者未经授权的访问权限,使其可以像所有者那样执行交易。


The SimpleBank contract below is a simple bank contract that includes a sendFunds function vulnerable to tx.origin attacks, it tracks the owner and includes a constructor and a public method:

  • Constructor:在合约创建时分配bankOwner 变量。
  • sendFunds(): Takes two parameters, recipient and amount. It checks if tx.origin == bankOwner and, if true, transfers amount of ETH to recipient.
contract SimpleBank {
address public bankOwner; // tracks the contract's owner

constructor() payable {
bankOwner = msg.sender;

// This method is vulnerable to phishing attacks
function sendFunds(address payable recipient, uint amount) public {
require(tx.origin == bankOwner, "Caller is not the owner");
(bool success, ) = recipient.call{value: amount}("");
require(success, "Transfer failed");

以下是一个恶意合约,可以将银行合约所有者的余额转移到攻击者的地址。 它包括两个状态变量thieftarget,以及一个构造函数(constructor )和一个公共方法:

  • Constructor:初始化target合约地址。
  • launchAttack(): When called by the bank contract’s owner, it forces a transaction from the bank to the hacker’s address.
contract Hacker {
address payable public thief;
SimpleBank target;

constructor(SimpleBank _target) {
target = SimpleBank(_target);
thief = payable(msg.sender);

function launchAttack() public {
target.sendFunds(thief, address(target).balance);


**如果在 msg.sendertx.origin之间犹豫不决,始终使用msg.sender **。msg.sender可以准确地识别合约的直接调用者,从而防止外部恶意合约的任何干扰。

function sendFunds(address payable recipient, uint amount) public {
require(msg.sender == bankOwner, "Caller is not the owner");
(bool success, ) = recipient.call{value: amount}("");
require(success, "Transfer failed");