

未经检查的低级调用在智能合约开发中是常见的漏洞来源。 这些调用包括call()delegatecall()staticcall()send(),当它们失败时不会回滚交易,而是返回布尔值false。 未检查这些返回值可能导致严重的安全问题。

The send() function in Ethereum is notoriously unreliable for transferring ether due to its strict gas limit of 2300. 这意味着如果接收地址的回退函数需要的气体超过此限额,send() 操作将不会成功。 如果不正确地管理这个限制,可能会导致严重的漏洞。

一个著名的例子是2016年臭名昭著的"King of Ether" 游戏。 该游戏的设计是将支付最多的玩家加冕为“国王”,并将头衔和相关的以太币转移到每个新的最高支付者。 然而,由于send() 函数的限制,当接收者的回退函数需要超过2300燃气时,合约未能正确地转移以太币。 As a result, some participants did not receive their due payments, leading to significant financial losses. 这一事件凸显了在智能合约中谨慎处理以太币交易的重要性。

For an in-depth analysis of what went wrong and the lessons learned, you can review the detailed King of Ether postmortem.

未经检查的 send() 漏洞

Here is a simple bank contract that includes functions to deposit and withdraw Ethereum, it involves operations that are vulnerable to attacks due to unchecked low-level call:

  • accountBalances:记录所有用户的以太币余额。

  • depositFunds():用户可以通过此函数向合约存入以太币。

  • withdrawFunds():此函数允许用户从合约中提取他们的全部余额。 首先检查用户的余额是否大于零,然后尝试将相应数量的以太币发送到用户的地址。 如果 send() 调用失败,用户的余额将变为零。

  • checkContractBalance():它只是返回合约地址的余额。

contract SimpleBank {
mapping (address => uint256) public accountBalances; // User balances

// Deposit and update balance
function depositFunds() external payable {
accountBalances[msg.sender] += msg.value;

// Withdraw all balance
function withdrawFunds() external {
uint256 balance = accountBalances[msg.sender];
require(balance > 0, "Insufficient balance");
accountBalances[msg.sender] = 0;
// Unchecked low-level call
bool transactionSuccess = payable(msg.sender).send(balance);

// Check contract balance
function checkContractBalance() external view returns (uint256) {
return address(this).balance;

Example of a malicious contract designed to simulate a scenario where a withdrawal fails but the user's balance is cleared:

contract Exploit {
SimpleBank public targetBank; // Stores the address of the target bank contract

// Constructor to initialize the target bank contract address
constructor(SimpleBank _targetBank) {
targetBank = _targetBank;

// Fallback function to ensure failure upon receiving ETH
receive() external payable {
revert("ETH reception is disabled."); // Throws an exception to block ETH reception

// Deposit function allowing users to send ETH to the target bank contract
function performDeposit() external payable {
targetBank.depositFunds{value: msg.value}(); // Deposits the sent ETH into the bank

// Withdrawal function to attempt to extract all deposits from the bank contract
function performWithdrawal() external payable {
targetBank.withdrawFunds(); // Calls the bank contract's withdrawal function

// Function to check the balance of this exploit contract
function checkContractBalance() external view returns (uint256) {
return address(this).balance; // Returns the current ETH balance of the contract account

未经检查的低级调用可能导致合约行为不稳定和不安全。 By implementing strict checks and using verified libraries for handling funds, developers can significantly reduce risks.


The call() method is often used for making external calls to other contracts. 和send()类似,call()方法返回一个布尔值,表示调用的成功或失败。 If this return value is not checked, it can lead to serious security issues where failures are silently ignored.


contract ExampleContract {
uint256 public y;
function setY(uint256 _y) external {
require(_y > 10, "y must be greater than 10");
y = _y;

interface IExampleContract {
function setY(uint256 _y) external;

contract VulnerableCaller {
function setYUsingInterface(IExampleContract example, uint256 _y) external {

function setYUsingCall(address example, uint256 _y) external {
(bool success, ) = example.call(abi.encodeWithSignature("setY(uint256)", _y));
// success is not checked!


  • ExampleContract: Contains a simple function setY() that updates a state variable y. The function includes a requirement that _y must be greater than 10.

  • VulnerableCaller:有两个函数来调用 ExampleContract 的setY()

  • setYUsingInterface()使用接口来调用函数,如果不满足要求,将回退。

  • setYUsingCall() uses a low-level call to invoke setY(). 如果不满足要求,调用将失败,但由于没有检查返回值,交易不会回退。


contract SecureCaller {
function setYUsingInterface(IExampleContract example, uint256 _y) external {

function setYUsingCall(address example, uint256 _y) external {
(bool success, ) = example.call(abi.encodeWithSignature("setY(uint256)", _y));
require(success, "Call to setY failed");

通过检查 call()方法的返回值,并在调用失败时回退交易,您可以确保合约正确且安全地运行。



  1. 强制返回值检查:必须始终验证send()call()的返回值。 忽略这些可能导致未发现的失误,从而危害合约的完整性和用户资金。

  2. 优先考虑更安全的交易方法:在以太币交易中,始终优先使用call() 方法而不是send()方法 。 call()允许更大的燃气灵活性,并应与稳健的安全防护措施一起使用,如重入防护,以防止常见的攻击向量,比如重入攻击。

  3. Implement Reputable Utility Libraries: Use well-tested libraries such as OpenZeppelin’s Address library (It wraps a low-level call to check the return value.) 安全地管理低级调用。 这些库提供了增强的安全功能,处理边缘情况和异常,确保即使发生错误,也能安全、可预测地进行管理。